PSY 7713 – Quiz 1 Unit 6 with Answers (100 out of 100 points)


Category: ECON - Economics Tag: PSY 7713



  1. A disadvantage to using DRO is:
  2. A learner’s target behavior is excessive pencil sharpening (using a wall-mounted sharpener). The algebra teacher, Jones, plans a reinforcement procedure so that the learner would need to sharpen his pencil no more than three times throughout the entire 60-minute class period in order to earn reinforcement. Mr. Smith, the science teacher, plans to divide the class period into three 20- minute intervals, so that the learner will earn reinforcement for each interval if he does not sharpen his pencil more than one time during the interval. In this scenario:
  3. A learner’s target behavior is excessive trips to the The trips occur about two times per hour, and the family physician has determined they are not due to health-related causes. The grade 3 teacher, Ms. Green, plans a reinforcement procedure so that the learner would need to enter the bathroom more than 60 minutes after the prior trip in order to earn the reinforcer. Over time, the time period would be extended to 75, 90, and finally 120 minutes to approximate a typical schedule for bathroom use. In this scenario:
  4. As a general rule, the independent variable should be introduced when baseline responding has been
  5. Assume you are working with a girl with Rett syndrome. A behavior characteristic of this syndrome is that the girls play with their fingers to the point that their fingers may become raw and bloody. Also, these girls pull their hair This particular little girl also puts her foot up to her face and scratches the edge of her shoe along her face, causing scrapes and bleeding. These behaviors severely trouble her family. You have not been able to identify a reinforcer for the problem behaviors. However, you have found that sitting the girl on her mom’s lap while playing with toys seemed to be a reinforcer for appropriate behavior, so you decide to implement a fixed-momentary DRO using mom’s attention and toys as the reinforcer and an interval of five seconds. Which of the following would describe your fixed-momentary DRO procedure most accurately?
  6. Baseline data collection is important, because it results in a certain level of needed
  7. Behaviour change is considered a ______ and ______ process; therefore, it is important to maintain direct and continuous contact with the behavior under
  8. NCR may effectively reduce problem behavior, because reinforcers that maintain the problem behavior are available ______ and ______.
  9. Noncontingent reinforcement functions as a:
  10. Noncontingent reinforcement is this type of
  11. Noncontingent reinforcement is this type of intervention:
  12. Noncontingent reinforcement uses three distinct procedures: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and ______ reinforcement.
  13. Single-subject research designs always involve only a single
  14. To determine the initial NCR schedule, divide the total ______ of all baseline session by the total number of ______ for the problem behavior during
  15. What is the difference between momentary DRO and interval DRO?
  16. When implementing a DRO procedure, how would you determine the duration of the interval?
  17. When implementing noncontingent reinforcement (NCR), what is a key element?
  18. When the data show no evidence of an upward or downward trend, and all the measures fall within a small range of values, the data pattern is referred to as:
  19. Which statement is false?
  20. Which statement is true?
  21. You would like to decrease the number of times a student sharpens her pencil during class. However, you do not want to completely eliminate this Which type of reinforcement program makes the most sense?
  22. You would like to implement an interval DRO procedure with one of your students with autism to decrease hand flapping (so that you can get the student to attend to her work eventually). You conduct some baseline observations and find that the student stops flapping her hands for about two minutes on average. What would an appropriate initial DRO interval be?
  23. ______ reinforcement is a procedure in which stimuli with known reinforcing properties are presented on fixed-time or variable-time schedule completely independent of
  24. ______ reinforcement is an intervention strategy in which stimuli with known reinforcing properties are delivered on a fixed-time (FT) or variable-time (VT) schedule independent of the learner’s