PSY 7713 Quiz 1 Unit 3 with Answers (100 out of 100 points)


Category: ECON - Economics Tag: PSY 7713



  1. A behavior chain with a limited hold means:
  2. A guitarist hears a novel section of improvised music and then immediately reproduces In this situation, ______ has occurred. Later, one guitarist says to another, “Listen to this. I want to teach you this.” The first guitarist demonstrates the new section of music. They practice until the second guitarist learns it. On stage the first guitarist plays the section of new music, and the second guitarist immediately follows by reproducing the same music. The second guitarist’s reproduction is the result of ______ (as a result of the reinforcement history).
  3. After the model evokes an imitation, that behavior comes into contact with contingencies of:
  4. All antecedent stimuli with the capacity to evoke imitation are potentially:
  5. An antecedent stimulus that evokes the imitative behavior is:
  6. An example of shaping within a response topography is:
  7. Behavior chains and chaining procedures are important because:
  8. Breaking down longer chains into smaller chains or skill clusters, teaching each skill cluster, and then chaining each skill cluster is a variation of which form of behavior chaining?
  9. Gretchen has been trying to teach Glen, a preschooler, to pull up his pants by himself after using the toilet. She has been using a shaping model. She began by reinforcing the behavior with an animal cracker for bending over and touching his He is now doing that consistently. Next, she wants him to start pulling his pants a little bit. However, she has become very frustrated because Glen continues to simply touch his pants rather than pull a bit. What should Gretchen do?
  10. How are forward and backward chaining different?
  11. If you want to create a task analysis for a behavior you have no idea how to do yourself, how could you construct it?
  12. Kara has been learning to board a public bus, put money in the slot, and sit in her seat, waiting for her Then, she pushes the button to indicate when she wants to get off. She has practiced this skill in her small hometown, where there are rarely more than five people on the bus. She traveled to Chicago with her parents to visit her aunt. She rode the bus with her parents in Chicago and was unable to do many steps in the chain. For example, she was not able to put her money in the slot, and she had difficulty choosing a seat. Her parents noticed that she was very distracted by all the people on the bus, as compared to the few people who are on the bus at home. Which of the following is the most likely reason that Kara was not able to perform steps in the chain she had learned so well at home?
  13. Laura would like to shape the tidiness of her husband, who always leaves his clothes in a pile on the floor at the end of the day instead of throwing them in the clothes hamper, which is in the laundry She begins by providing him with lavish praise and offering to make him a nice dinner when he puts his clothes in a heap in the laundry room rather than in a heap on the bedroom floor. Now, he is consistently putting his clothes in a heap in the laundry room. Next, she plans to provide praise and a nice dinner only if her husband sorts his laundry into whites and colors and puts his laundry into the appropriate laundry basket. What do you think about her plan?
  14. Anita Response wants to increase the number of words Sophie writes in her stories during creative writing time. She uses shaping to do so. What dimension of behavior is she shaping?
  15. Shaping involves:
  16. Teaching learners to do what the model does, regardless of the behavior modeled, is the major objective of what?
  17. The model and the behavior must have:
  18. What is a risk of choosing the single-opportunity method of assessment for assessing mastery of a task analysis?
  19. What is meant by the statement that progress in shaping is rarely linear and often erratic?
  20. When a model and the behavior physically resemble each other and are in the same sense mode, this is known as:
  21. When shaping a new behavior, it is important to:
  22. When the topography of a previous imitation occurs in the absence of the model it is not imitative behavior.
  23. Which of the following is an example of shaping an individual to swing a golf club correctly (that is, take the appropriate backswing, swing the club down to the ball, and follow through with the swing)?
  24. Which of the following is the best example of shaping to teach an individual to sign please to get access to a toy? (A please sign consists of placing an open palm on the chest and making a circular motion.)