PSY 7713 – Quiz 1 Unit 7 with Answers (100 out of 100 points)


Category: ECON - Economics Tag: PSY 7713



  1. A schedule of intermittent reinforcement is likely to increase ______.
  2. An intermediate increase in frequency and/or amplitude of the response after the removal of the maintaining reinforce is called:
  3. Carr and Lovass (1983) recommended that practitioners experience any punisher personally before the treatment begins for what reason?
  4. Extinction bursts usually suggest that the reinforce maintaining the problem behavior was successfully identified, indicating that there is a good chance of a(n) ______ intervention.
  5. Little Peter was walking along the fence of his uncle’s dairy farm. Peter reached up and grabbed the wire along the fence, not realizing it was electrified. After recovering from the pain caused by the shock, Peter never again touched the fence wires. Which statement best describes the shock stimulus felt by Peter?
  6. Problem behaviours can ______ during extinction before they show improvement.
  7. Sean was responsible for designing an intervention of a 5th grade student who engaged in severe problem behavior consisting of throwing chairs at the teacher when an assignment was given. Sean decided to utilize a contingent physical restraint every time the child threw a chair. Sean is violating the ethical consideration of:
  8. Susie spent most of the day sitting on her bedroom floor, rocking back and forth. While she was rocking, she would flap both of her hands back and forth. Which of the following extinction procedures is the most appropriate choice?
  9. The use of punishment procedure may cause unwanted side effects to appear. The chapter presents several side effects associated with the use of punishment. Which of the following is not a side effect listed in the chapter?
  10. What is the probability of reinforcement when utilizing an extinction procedure?
  11. When Bobby was given a worksheet in class, he screamed and crawled under his desk. Bobby would continue to scream and remain under his desk until his teacher removed the worksheet and left him alone. Which of the following extinction procedures is the most appropriate choice?
  12. When Timmy wanted a drink, he generally screamed at his mother until she gave him a drink. Which of the following extinction procedures is the most appropriate choice?
  13. When is it not appropriate to utilize an extinction procedure?
  14. Which of the following is not a factor that influences the effectiveness of punishment listed in the chapter?
  15. Which of the following is not an associated effect with extinction?
  16. Which of the following is not listed in the chapter as an ethical consideration regarding the use of punishment?
  17. Which of the following statements describes the definition of negative punishment?
  18. Which of the following statements describes the definition of positive punishment?
  19. Which statement best describes positive punishment?
  20. Which statement best describes recovery from punishment?
  21. Which statement best describes the procedure of response blocking?
  22. Which statement is not recommended as a guidance for the use of punishment?
  23. Which statement regarding the strength of applied behaviour analysis is not supported in the punishment chapter?