HCA 430 Week 1 Discussion 1 and 2 with Answers


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HCA 430 Week 1 Discussion 1, Understanding the Scope of Vulnerable Populations

Review the descriptions of the ten special populations addressed in Chapter 1 of your course textbook. Identify the three groups you feel are most vulnerable. Explain your reasoning for selecting the groups based on:

  • An analysis of the statistical data/trends related to the populations. How did you use data to determine the three most vulnerable populations? Explain your thought process.
  • The World Health Organization’s formal definition of “health.” How are the physical, mental, and social aspects of health ….in these three vulnerable populations in comparison to the others?
  • The statistical data and the health compromises identified above. Create a list of at least three health service needs for each vulnerable group you identified.

HCA 430 Week 2 Discussion 1, Social Versus Human Capital

This week’s first discussion forum will focus on the population of abused individuals. Abuse is a pervasive problem in our society. Although the forms of abuse, as well as the intensity and duration can vary from case to case, each abused person is tasked with dealing with the scars left from the abuse. As you can imagine, this task can be very challenging to say the least. Using research to help you form an opinion, which form of capital (social or human capital) do you feel will have a greater influence over resources accessible to the abused? Discuss which form of capital you would rely on for emotional support and help through difficult times if abused. Explain your rationale. Chapter 3 of the course text defines these terms in more detail