PHLT 8034 Module 4 Quiz with Answers




PHLT-8034-1/PUBH-8034-1/PUBH-8034D-1/HLTH-8034E-1/PUBH-8034H-1-Enviro Hlth:Local to Global-2022-Summer-QTR-Term-wks-1-thru-11

PHLT 8034 Quiz – Module 4

  1. Bottled water is unlikely to have been disinfected using .
  2. Metals present in municipal wastewater may still be present in treated sewage sludge;
  3. Currently, most human exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the environment is through
  4. High biochemical oxygen demand in sewage enuent can lead directly to .
  5. Some likely human health impacts of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are suggested by their chemical structure, which is similar to that of .
  6. A septic system consists of a septic tank and a .
  7. Two subgroups of the general population who may have particularly high phthalate exposures are………and those receiving an IV drip for an extended period.
  8. About…………. of treated sewage sludge in the United States is disposed of by spreading it on land.
  9. The most significant difference between untreated and treated sewage sludge is that most of the………have been removed from the treated sludge.
  10. How are trihalomethanes (THMs) introduced into drinking water?
  11. Exposure to byproducts of disinfecting drinking water with chlorine has been associated with increased risk of……………
  12. A combined sewer overflow is designed to handle .
  13. Trihalomethanes are .
  14. Which of the following are steps in primary sewage treatment?
  15. Potable water is water that is .