NURS 6552 Module 4 Knowledge Check


Category: Walden Tag: nurs 6552


NURS 6552 Module 4 Knowledge Check

20 out of 20 points  

  1. The drug of choice for the pregnant woman with diabetes is
  2. Lynn comes to the clinic for her initial prenatal visit. Based on her menstral history, the client is at 9 weeks’ gestation and is scheduled to have an ultrasound for estimation of the gestational age of the fetus. Which fetal measurement is the best indicator of gestational age at this time?
  3. Children born with Down Syndrome often have other anomalies. They require specific evaluation of what body system?
  4. Early in pregnancy, all pregnant women need which of the following tests?
  5. A 20-year-old female patient presents with lower abdominal pain, moderate vaginal bleeding, and right shoulder pain. Her blood pressure is 85/50 mmHg, pulse 140, respirations 28, and temperature 98 deg. F. She has a history of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Her urine pregnancy test is positive. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
  6. It is imperative that the nurse practitioner teach patients taking an oral contraceptive to report any of the danger signs of complications. Which of the following would be of least concern to the nurse practitioner?
  7. Ginny, who is planning on getting pregnant, is taking phenytoin (Dilantin). She states that she knows the drug is in category D and asks what that means. You know FDA category D indicates that
  8. What is the minimum number of cafe-au-lait spot that should be of concern?
  9. Susie, who is 16 weeks pregnant, is having mild cramps with persistent and excessive bleeding. Upon examination, you find that some portion of the products of conception (placental) remain in the uterus, but the fetus has been expelled. What type of abortion is Susie having?
  10. What is the leading cause of first-trimester maternal death?
  11. What components make up the biophysical profile?
  12. A newborn delivered by a mother with no prenatal care exhibits the following: dysmorphic facial features including short palpebral fissures, a thin upper lip, an elongated and flattened philtrum, and a flattened midface region. You suspect that the mother engaged in what behavior during pregnancy?
  13. What is the simplest and safest method of suppressing lactation after it has started?
  14. Heger’s sign, a physiological sign of pregnancy, is
  15. A 45-year-old patient voices concern about her hot flashes and irregular menstral periods. What diagnostic test would the nurse practitioner order to confirm the beginning of menopause?
  16. What is a common cause of leg cramps during pregnancy?
  17. The Papanicolaou (Pap) smear report on a 36-year-old female patient indicates atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS). Which of the following constitutes appropriate care for this patient?
  18. Sarah, who just found out she is pregnant, is taking prenatal vitamins with extra daily supplements of iron. She may be a candidate for
  19. The side effect of medroxyprogesterone (Depo-Provera) that often leads women to discontinue use is:
  20. A 22-year-old patient has a single, nontender, freely movable lump in her right breast. She denies any nipple discharge. Which of the following diagnosis is this clinical presentation most consistent with?