NSG 6430 Week 9 Knowledge Check 1


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NSG 6430 Week 9 Quiz with Answers

  1. Female with one solitary, nonpainful lesion on labia. syphilis treated with benzathine IM x1. Which stage are you treating?
  2. female with retained diaphragm w fever and s/s of UTI. UA with positive nitrates, blood, and leukocyte. Culture sent to lab. What do you do?
  3. Female with LMP 14 months ago. Now s/s of hirsutism. What is your dx?
  4. Obese female with hx of DM x2 has complaints of vaginal discharge and itching. What is likely dx?
  5. Teaching class about HIV. What is true? Select all: (it’s the last 2 answers)
  6. Which type of incontinence does anticholinergics tx?
  7. Which are associated with increased risk of incontinence? (select all)- it’s the first 3 answers
  8. Which are considered modifiable risk factors for osteoporosis? (select all) it is the last 2 answers
  9. Trichomoniasis. What is tx?
  10. Tx for chlamydia
  11. Female with thick mucoid vaginal discharge. KOH with neg whiff test, no clue cells, only increased WBC noted. What is likely dx?
  12. Osteoporosis??
  13. The most common cause of chronic pelvic pain?
  14. Definitive diagnosis for endometriosis?
  15. A Female with a history of hysterectomy is now experiencing vasomotor symptoms. What type of hormone replacement do you consider?