HSM 311 Week 5, Final Research Paper (02), Discussion Question


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HSM 311 Week 5 Assignment, Final Research Paper i.e. The Patriot Act

The Patriot Act in regards to its authorization of surveillance and search and seizure was established after the devastating attack on 9/11 which was led by terrorist Bin Laden (Al-Quade) in hopes of destroying America. Patriot Act was passed into law granting the government full access into the private lives of people without the permission of obtaining warrants from the courts. After a decade of stability, many citizens of America has condemned the Patriot Act as an ethical implication and a constitutional violation of their amendment rights. There are critics that oppose the Patriot Act because of the ethical implications it poses………….Continued (12 Pages with References)

HSM 311 Week 5 Final Paper 2, Racial Profiling in the War on Terrorism

Terrorism is a global phenomenon that has widely spread in the 21st century. Terrorist attacks that have occurred in the different parts of the world have risen the eyebrows as to the practical measures that should be applied to combat its effects and legitimate target the perpetrators. However, there have been concerns over how these events have led to the profiling of individual races and people from certain ethnicities as the main perpetrators of terrorism. Racial profiling has been at the center of debate since the events of September 11 when nineteen Muslims attacked the Twin Towers in the U.S. President Bush began using the executive powers in the fight against terrorism.

The Department of Justice started executing unwarranted detentions, searches, and holding into the custody of Arabs in the U.S. Racial profiling, as President Clinton said, is morally indefensible. There is no universal evidence that Muslims or people who have Arab ethnicity bare the principal perpetrators……………Continued (09 Pages with References)


HSM 311 Week 5 Discussion 1, The USA Patriot Act

Do you believe that the costs to our liberties are worth the security measures that the Act provides? Does the principle of U.S. liberties trump the practical realities of homeland security?

HSM 311 Week 5 Discussion 2, The Fourth Amendment in the 21st century

Understanding the powers given to the federal government to search, seize, and survey  the USA PATRIOT Act. Do you feel that the 4th Amendment is being violated?

Make a coherent argument for or against the USA PATRIOT Act vis-à-vis the 4th Amendment.  (You are not …..to have in-depth knowledge of the 4th Amendment).hsm 311 week 5