PSYC 2009 Week 4 Test – Question and Answers


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PSYC 2009 Week 4 Test – Question and Answers

  1. Fleeson’s (2001) research indicates that, although individuals differ, on average, in their traits, they show quite a bit of cross-situational ____________ in displays of those traits.
  2. In Cattell’s theory, emotional stability is an example of a __________ trait, whereas intelligence is an example of a ___________ trait.
  3. The “person-situation controversy” relates to the question of _____________ in personality traits across situations.
  4. When researchers use a culture’s indigenous language to derive the factors, they find that _________________.
  5. The major idea underlying the fundamental lexical hypothesis is that, over time, trait terms evolved to describe the most important individual differences. They are important because they enable people to predict and _______ life outcomes.
  6. Lewis Goldberg, upon reviewing factor analytic research on trait terms, concluded that ___ factors are necessary to capture the major ways individuals differ from each other.
  7. Of the three scientific functions of trait constructs, the one that raises the most controversy is _____________.
  8. According to five-factor theorists, many kinds of abnormal behavior are exaggerated versions of normal personality traits. For example, the compulsive personality might be seen as someone extremely high on both Conscientiousness and Neuroticism, and the antisocial personality as someone extremely low on both Agreeableness and __________________.
  9. Unfortunately for the Eysenckian theory, research has not consistently supported his physiological theory of _________.
  10. According to five-factor theory, factors have their basis in _____________.
  11. Research by Ashton and colleagues suggests there may be a sixth personality factor, _____________.
  12. DeYoung et al. (2010) found that variations in brain volume were correlated with variations in the Big Five traits in ways that matched current theorizing. What information must one cautiously consider when interpreting these correlations?
  13. Costa and McCrae’s NEO-PI-R inventory differentiates different facets of the Big Five. For instance, the conscientiousness facet includes qualities related to self-discipline, dutifulness, and ____________.
  14. Generally speaking, when comparing self-ratings of the Big Five with observer ratings, one finds that:
  15. Allport distinguished between cardinal traits, central traits, and secondary dispositions. These distinctions are an example of the concept that personality is organized into ____________.
  16. Allport is unique among trait theorists because he endorses a(n) ________ approach to measurement, whereas other trait theorists tend to favor ___________ approaches.
  17. Cattell turned to investigations that made use of objective-test data out of concern for __________, a potential problem in using self-report data.
  18. Trait theorists use trait constructs to serve three scientific functions: description, prediction, and ____________.
  19. Although factor analysis can identify the factors of personality, it is up to the therapist to interpret them. This suggests that the factors are _________.
  20. Psychologists use a statistical tool called factor analysis to help them to _________________.