PSYC 2009 Week 3 Test – Question and Answers


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PSYC 2009 Week 3 Test – Question and Answers

  1. Rogers noted that individuals can become so consumed with the need for ___________that they can lose touch with their own values.
  2. Cross-cultural research on the nature of self-concept indicates that the need for positive regard ___________.
  3. According to Rogers, individuals seek _________ between self and experience.
  4. In Coopersmith’s (1967) research on the origins of self-esteem, three factors influenced a child’s sense of self-worth. Which of the following was not one of them?
  5. The concept of the phenomenal field refers to all of the following except which one?
  6. Of the three conditions necessary for psychological change, which can be summarized as a deep and genuine caring for the individual?
  7. According to Rogers, the neurotic individual experiences _______________ between self and experience.
  8. Rogers believed that people:
  9. According to Higgins, discrepancies between the actual and ideal self lead to _____________-related emotions, whereas discrepancies between the actual and ought self lead to _______________-related emotions.
  10. If you were to ask someone what she hoped to do with her psychology degree once she graduated, you would, in a sense, be measuring the Rogerian concept of the ______.
  11. A central tenet of ____________ theory is that people have an inherent psychological need to engage in tasks that are intrinsically meaningful as opposed to action that is coerced, forced, or compelled, whether by internal forces or external forces.
  12. Individuals in a state of flow experience:
  13. Research by Zhu, Ziang, Fan, and Han (2007) comparing brain images of college students from Eastern and Western cultures indicated which of the following?
  14. A phenomenological approach is one that investigates ___________ experiences.
  15. According to Rogers, anxiety is the result of inconsistency between:
  16. The concept of ___________ refers, among other things, to an organism’s tendency to grow from a simple entity to a complex one.
  17. To Rogers, the major developmental concern is whether the child is free to self-actualize, or whether __________ cause(s) the child to become defensive.
  18. Contemporary psychologists such as Martin Seligman who have attempted to portray human strengths and virtues are part of the ________________.
  19. Heimpel, Wood, Marshall, and Brown’s (2002) findings indicated that when given the choice, individuals prefer _________ over __________.
  20. According to Rogers, individuals engage in defenses such as rationalization and projection because their experiences ______________ their sense of self.