PCN 530 Week 4 Assignment, Romantic Relationship Case Study


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PCN 530 Week 4 Assignment, Romantic Relationship Case Study

PCN 530 Week 4: The first stage was the attraction/ romance stage. This was when they met and there was an attraction and they started dating and enjoying their love and feelings for each other. At this stage, it is full of love and the initial attraction often rooted in beauty and similarity. The second stage they went though as the build up/power struggle stage. This was when they had fought and focused on each other’s differences and decided to seek help. At this stage, partners rather than seeing their similarities, they start paying attention to their incompatibilities and flaws and hence begin ….to change their partners to what they thought they were and punish them for not being that way. At this stage partners reveal more about their private selves, they …..by each other as well…………….pcn 530 week 4