PCN 530 Week 1, Social and Cultural Views of Healthy and Unhealthy Human Sexuality


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PCN 530 Week 1, Social and Cultural Views of Healthy and Unhealthy Human Sexuality Paper

PCN 530 Week 1: On the other side of this belief there were areas that had a completely different approach on sexuality. In 1955, Mangaia has a completely different view on intercourse. They were believing that getting in touch with their sexuality was the right way to be. “From an early age, Mangaian boys and girls …..to get in touch with their own sexuality through sexual play and masturbation.  At about the age of 13, Mangaian boys are ……into manhood by adults who instruct them in sexual techniques. The Boys practice their new techniques with girlfriends on secluded beaches or beneath the listing fronds of palms. They may visit girlfriends in huts where they sleep with their families. Parents often listen for daughters to laugh and gasp so that they will know that they have reached orgasm with …………….continuedpcn 530 week 1