RES 429 Week 1 Assignment The Professional Property Manager


Category: RES 429 Tag: res 429


RES 429 Week 1 Assignment: The Real Estate industry is full of risks, the market is constantly changing and industry professionals are ….to a code of ethics when representing their clients. Just because something is not against the law, does not mean it is ethical. Most of the times unethical behavior can hold up just as well as the law. Wealthier areas tend to have stronger developments and are able to bring in more income due to the success of expanding development trends. Areas with high income and growth, increase the demand for homes and businesses. When one area has a high demand for housing, with a limited supply, the outside areas begin to grow and expand. This causes an increase in development activity in this area. It is important to understand development trends happening in outside markets. Because trends typically spread to surrounding markets for some of the same reasons………