LDR 531 Week 1 Assignment, Personal Leadership Evaluation


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LDR 531 Week 1 Assignment, Personal Leadership Evaluation

After observing the TED Talk and discussing the material with the class on what today’s, and the futures leadership qualities will define a perfect leader. As explained by the presenter, effective leadership these days is all about successfully finding ways to narrow the widening gap. And also developing strategies that are relevant internationally, digitally, and that enabled a transparent environment. According to the presentation in the video, the presenter has described a notion that attempting to implement old leadership styles to achieve effective results is not possible in modern for modern or future practices, ultimately because the dynamics have changed, nowadays becoming a successful leader is a much more challenging task, as less rigid manager exist and more fluid or flexible leaders take the helm. Therefore, in order to gauge and measure performance, applying outdated and already used performance criteria would produce false results. They will give the leader a wrong and ineffective direction to follow and train the people working for him or her……..
ldr 531 week 1 assignment