CWV 101 Final Exam 5 (All Correct Answers)


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CWV 101 Final Exam – Question and Answers

  1. Discipleship is costly True or False?
  2. God’s mission is characterized by:
  3. One of the results of the fall of man was that humanity had to Work was not part of God’s original plan for his creation. True or False
  4. According to the teaching of Jesus in John 13:35, how are his followers to be recognized?
  5. According to Romans 3:20, humans can attain a relationship with God by living by the letter of the law in the Old Testament. True or
  6. According to Isiah 59:1-2:
  7. In which of the following do people evaluate their worldview based on faith and reason?
  8. According to the Christian worldview, since this is God’s universe and God is good, God can do what he wants and is not obligated to explain himself to True or False.
  9. According to Romans 8:28-29, which of the following is NOT mentioned as God’s purpose for Christians?
  10. After the fall, what was true about all humanity?
  11. The kingdom of God:
  12. Which one of the worldview elements listed below deals with issues of right and wrong and whether there is absolute moral truth?
  13. A unique characteristic of Christianity in comparison with other religions is which of the following?
  14. Which of the following worldview tests evaluates evidences and experiences to see if the worldview matches with reality?
  15. Who were Israel’s first kings?
  16. What is the difference between general revelation and special revelation?
  17. Which of the following statements is/are consistent with the Christian belief that humanity was created in the image of God?
  18. The concept of the Trinity states that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one God in three persons, coexisting for eternity in a relationship of True or False
  19. Why did Christ, the Son of God, come to earth and become a man?
  20. The topic overview quotes the Westminster Shorter Catechism which states that humanity’s primary purpose is to:
  21. Which of the following statements is true of the kingdom of God?
  22. The Holy Spirit helps people mature in their faith? True or
  23. God calls people to serve him and serve others through a variety of ways, but being called by God to be a pastor or missionary is a more worthwhile purpose than having a regular job. True or
  24. Within the context of Christianity, faith and belief involve:
  25. According to John 10:1-18, which of the following does NOT describe Jesus as the Good Shepherd?
  26. Jesus said that the two great commandments were which of the following?
  27. According to 1 Corinthians 15: 42-57, which of the following is/ are descriptive of the glorified state of those who are raised to live with Christ?
  28. Which of the following statements is true of the theistic evolution view of the creation of the world?
  29. You may have found your purpose if:
  30. God’s mission flows out of his character. True or false.