AMP 434 Week 6 Assignment, Discussion Question 1 and 2


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AMP 434 Week 6 Assignment Performance Management Cycle Plan

Develop a high level performance management cycle plan (4-5 pages). The plan should contain an introduction and conclusion that makes relevant connections to course objectives. The body of the plan is an ……presentation of the concepts listed in your Scenario Generator Report.

The purpose of this assignment is to simulate the thought process that managers use when evaluating the various elements of performance management. The students are not … produce a detailed plan. Rather, the expectation is that students demonstrate consideration of the multiple complexities involved in the performance management cycle.

Access the “Deliverables” section of the Performance Management Cycle Plan within your Scenario Generator Report. Your Scenario Generator Report provides the context for the plan.

Carefully consider the characteristics of the various organizational descriptors in your Scenario Generator Report.

Thoughtfully discuss each listed item (2-3 fully developed sentences per item).

AMP 434 Week 6 Discussion Question 1

Discuss the components and purpose of types of leaves-of-absence, including FMLA, military, personal, and sabbaticals. If the leave type is … law, discuss the employer responsibilities and benefits to the employee.

AMP 434 Week 6 Discussion Question 2

Managers share responsibility for employee performance and have an active role to play in the performance management cycle. Terminology that is often ….to describe the actions of a manager in the performance management cycle include coaching, counseling, corrective action, progressive disciplinary plan, and termination. Define each of these terms, the circumstances under which they are utilized, and their intended purpose. You may also include a description of the terms and processes used by your organization.amp 434 week 6