NURS 6541 Midterm Exam Review (Week 1-6)
Week 1: Growth and Development
- Safety with Car Seats – remain rear facing for as long as possible until they reach weight or height of seat.
- Vaccination Schedules and contraindications –
- Child Abuse mandatory reporting–any reason to believe that there is abuse or neglect, you do not have to have burden of proof,
- Failure to thrive causes
- Breastfed baby’s possible health problems
- Normal birth weights and growth–birth to 6 months growth ½ – 1 inch a month and gain 5-7 ounces a week. Double birth weight by 5 months
- Normal reflexes in newborns
- Language development issues
- Fine motor skills
- Signs of puberty
- Piaget developmental stages
- Normal vital signs for various age groups
- Congenital infection with cytomegalovirus, complications of prematurity nurs 6541 midterm exam
- Crawling (7-10 months), sitting (4-7 months without support 8 months), rolling over (tummy to back early as 4 months – 5-6 months back to front), walking milestones (9-12 months)
Week 2: Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers
- Normal premature infant growth
- Protein calorie malnutrition
- Small size differentials
- Poor weight gain differentials
- Well Child Visit standards for these age groups
- Normal sequencing of development in a toddler
- Treatment for teething
- Early interventions services for speech
- Sleep refusal
- Bowel training issues
- Breath holding
- Bilingual children and expectations
- Vaccination schedule
- Normal sleep patterns
- Correct order for introduction of food
- Screening for TB
- Normal breastfeeding schedules
Week 3: School-Age Children and Adolescents
- Drug Screening adolescents
- Vaccination catch up schedule
- Routine lab screenings
- Anticipatory guidance for each age group
- Bedwetting
- Erickson’s stages of development
- Safety concerns
- Bullying
- Puberty
- Adolescent substance abuse
- Lab screenings in adolescents
- Female peak height velocity
Week 4: HEENT
- Differential diagnoses for patients with HEENT disorders
- Various treatment options for common HEENT disorders
- Evaluate pattern recognition in patient diagnoses nurs 6541 midterm exam
Week 5: Respiratory, Cardiovascular and Genetic Disorders
- Pneumonia–bacterial, mycobacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic
- Bronchitis
- Asthma
- Croup–acute inflammation, caused by parainfluenza virus type 1 infection
- Bronchiolitis – acute viral infection of lower resp tract
- Foreign body aspiration
- Epiglottitis
- Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
- Down syndrome – Trisomy 21
- Edwards syndrome – Trisomy 18
- Turner syndrome
- Fragile x syndrome–genetic abnormality of the X chromosome that causes intellectual disability and behavioral disorders. Abnormality of FMR1 gene unstable triplet repeat expansion; Fragile X syndrome is not a chromosome abnormality
- XYY male
- Klinefelter syndrome
- Cystic fibrosis
Week 6: Behavioral and Mental Health Issues
- Child abuse
- Adhd–symptoms can appear btwn 3-6 and continue
- Autism nurs 6541 midterm exam
- Dyslexia – learning disorder involving problems in reading, mathematics, spelling, written expression or handwriting
- Fetal alcohol syndrome – alcohol exposure in utero increases risk for Spontaneous AB, decrease birth weight,
- Depression