CARD 405 Week 2 Assignment, Career Company Research
Part 1: The O*NetInterest Profiler Assessment
Part-2: Company Research
Part 3: Reflection
CARD 405 Week 2 Discussion 1, Job Hunting Techniques
The prospect of searching for a job can be very intimidating. What techniques have you used in the past when you were job hunting? Which ones were most effective? Least effective? What do you attribute their effectiveness (or lack of effectiveness) to?
CARD 405 Week 2 Discussion 2, Career and Company Research
Part 1: Complete the table below and link your one-, two-, and five-year goals (recall that you identified these in the Week 2 Self-assessment Assignment) to specific company research. You can also use employers you identified in the Week 2 assignment if you wish.
Part 2: What is your personal marketing strategy; i.e., what do you plan to doto ensure you achieve your goals? (Some questions you might reflect on in your response include: How will I penetrate the hidden job market? How will expand my professional network? Are there skills I need to be working on to be more competitive as a candidate? How will I track my job search? What resources can I use to help me in my job search and how I often should I be contacting them? How will I ensure my résumé and other job-search tools stay current? Where will I look for job leads? How will I hope my interviewing skills? What will I do on a daily, weekly, monthly basis to ensure I am conducting the most proactive job search possible?)