PSYC 501 Quiz 3 – Question and Answers


Category: PSYC 501


PSYC 501 Quiz 3 – Question and Answers

  1. Using the same subjects in each condition in an experiment is to using different subjects in each condition in an experiment as _____ is to _____.
  2. A design in which the same participants are use in each condition is a _____ design.
  3. A design in which the participants in the experimental and control groups are related in some way is a _____ design.
  4. A problem for within-subjects designs in which the order of the conditions has an effect on the dependent variable is
  5. A mechanism for controlling order effects either by including all orders or treatment presentations or by randomly determining the order for each participants is
  6. The larger the within-groups (error) variance
  7. When conducting an experiment with more than two levels of the independent variable, a _____ is recommended over a _____ because of the reduced risk of a _____.
  8. The null hypothesis for a one-way randomized ANOVA states
  9. The alternative hypothesis for a one-way randomized ANOVA states
  10. If the null hypothesis for an ANOVA is true, then the F-ratio should be.
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