PSYC 255 Quiz 6 – Question and Answers


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PSYC 255 Quiz 6 – Question and Answers

  1. A __________ subjects factorial research design is a research design in which all independent variables are between subjects.
  2. Researchers Brescoll and Uhlmann (2008) wanted to know if men and women were judged the same for expressing similar emotions in the workplace.  Participants in this experiment watched a video of a job candidate.  The job candidates were being interviewed while sitting at a table.  The job candidates were describing an incident in which they and a colleague lost an important account and how it made them feel.  The first independent variable was sex of job candidate.  Sex had two levels: male and female.  The second independent variable was emotion displayed.  Emotion displayed had two levels: anger and sadness.  So, participants viewed one of four job candidates.  Which statement below accurately describes this research design?
  3. You are reading a journal article and the method section states that the design was a 2 X 3 between subjects factorial design.  Automatically, you know that the study will have _______ conditions.
  4. Researchers Brescoll and Uhlmann (2008) wanted to know if men and women were judged the same for expressing similar emotions in the workplace.  Participants in this experiment watched a video of a job candidate.  The job candidates were being interviewed while sitting at a table.  The job candidates were describing an incident in which they and a colleague lost an important account and how it made them feel.  The first independent variable was sex of job candidate.  Sex had two levels: male and female.  The second independent variable was emotion displayed.  Emotion displayed had two levels: anger and sadness.  So, participants viewed one of four job candidates.  In this study, the first independent variable of sex was a __________ subjects variable.
  5. A factorial research design can be one of __________ types.
  6. Catz and colleagues conducted an experiment with 207 individuals taking HIV medications.  Participants were randomly assigned to read one of six vignettes.  The vignettes varied by medical situation and physician prescription action.  For medical situation, participants were randomly assigned to one of three levels.  For physician prescription action, participants were randomly assigned to one of two conditions.  In this example, the factorial design would be represented as:
  7. You are reading a journal article and the method section states that the design was a 4 X 3 between subjects factorial design. Automatically, you know that the study will have _______ conditions.
  8. A researcher has created a factorial design.  She has a between subjects variable and a within subjects variable.  What type of design does the researcher have?
  9. Finding out if each of the independent variables influenced the dependent variable (s) is referred to as __________.
  10. Which of the following statements is not true regarding factorial research designs?
  11. A __________ subjects factorial research design is a research design in which the independent variables are not all the same type.
  12. A recent study by Dommeyer (2008) examined what factors influence whether or not people respond to a mail survey.  In other words, are there factors that can influence if a person responds to a survey that he or she received in the mail?  Dommeyer wanted to know if the attractiveness of the researcher (attractive and not attractive) in a cover letter would influence if people responded to the mail survey.  Dommeyer also wanted to know if the sex of the researcher (male or female) in the cover letter would influence if people responded to the mail survey.  So, participants viewed 1 of 4 mail surveys.  The second independent variable of sex of researcher was a __________ variable.
  13. __________ occurs when the results obtained would not have been obtained without considering both independent variables together.
  14. Researchers Brescoll and Uhlmann (2008) wanted to know if men and women were judged the same for expressing similar emotions in the workplace.  Participants in this experiment watched a video of a job candidate.  The job candidates were being interviewed while sitting at a table.  The job candidates were describing an incident in which they and a colleague lost an important account and how it made them feel.  The first independent variable was sex of job candidate.  Sex had two levels: male and female.  The second independent variable was emotion displayed.  Emotion displayed had two levels: anger and sadness.  So, participants viewed one of four job candidates.  With this information, what type of factorial research design was used?
  15. A recent study by Dommeyer (2008) examined what factors influence whether or not people respond to a mail survey.  In other words, are there factors that can influence if a person responds to a survey that he or she received in the mail?  Dommeyer wanted to know if the attractiveness of the researcher (attractive and not attractive) in a cover letter would influence if people responded to the mail survey.  Dommeyer also wanted to know if the sex of the researcher (male or female) in the cover letter would influence if people responded to the mail survey.  The first independent variable was attractiveness of the researcher in the cover letter.  This independent variable had _____ levels.
  16. Wundt’s use of introspection by participants is an example of ____________ methodology?
  17. Kellogg and Kellogg’s (1933) use of a chimpanzee to study life experiences on early stage development is an example of which type of research?
  18. Which of the following is one of the three most common types of methodologies used in single case designs as described in our textbook?
  19. Which of the following is not one of the three most common type of methodologies used in single case designs as described in our textbook?
  20. Kuoch and Mirenda (2003) conducted a single case design in which they looked at the influences of a social story on the behavior of autistic children.  The researchers would observe the participants in certain problem situations, recording their behavior.  Then, the researchers would read the participants a story before a problem situation was presented.  They would then record the number of behaviors exhibited by the participants in relation to the problem situation.  Finally, the researchers removed the story and recorded the number of behaviors the next time the problem situation arose.  What is the dependent variable in this study?
  21. ABA methodologies in single case designs are also known as _____________.
  22. Single case designs can have the same kinds of limitations that can be also found as limitations in _____________ designs.
  23. According to the text, which of the following modern areas of psychological research might use single case designs?
  24. N=1 designs are also known as _____________ designs.
  25. In which type of single case design methodology does the researcher remove the independent variable and take another assessment?
  26. Which type of single case design best represents the design used by Ebbinghaus in his study on memory?
  27. In an AB methodology, researchers take measurements _____________ and _____________ administering the independent variable.
  28. The A in AB designs stands for _____________.
  29. Which of the following classic studies in psychology is not a single case design?
  30. The A and B in an AB methodology stands for _____________ and _____________ respectively.