PSY 622 Topic 2 Assignment, Neurological and Genetic Disorders


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PSY 622 Topic 2 Assignment, Neurological and Genetic Disorders

Criminal behavior is believed to be manifested within two factors environmental and biological. When discussing biological we must look into genetics. Genetics as well as the biological factors that combine and play a role in whether or not a person is … committing crimes. Genetics must match with something in order to think it plays a role in the criminal behavior of an individual. However, even if someone is ……to a crime life it doesn’t mean that they will necessarily end up as a criminal. Statistically, there is a good chance they will become one, but it is not …….. Tehrani and Mednick (2000) talk and discuss case studies on twins……………Continued (05 Pages with References)

psy 622 topic 2psy 622 topic 2