PSY 380 Assignments 1 and 3


Category: PSY 380 Tag: PSY 380


PSY 380 Assignment: Project 1 – Descriptive Statistics in SPSS

Complete Project 1 as specified in the attached document “Project 1: Descriptive Statistics in SPSS.”

PSY 380 Assignment: Project 3 – Benchmark Project 3 SPSS Analyses

For Project 3 please find the following videos in MindTap and watch them before attempting the questions in the “Project 3: SPSS Analyses” worksheet.

MindTap Question 1 Practice Resources:

Course Support > SPSS Demonstration Library > Descriptive Statistics and Frequencies Course Support > SPSS Demonstration Library > Correlation

Chapter 14 > Learn It > SPSS Problem Set: Correlation and Linear Regression: Using SPSS > 1. Obtaining correlation coefficients (Pearson)

SPSS Problem Set: Correlation and Linear Regression: Interpreting SPSS > 1. Interpreting statistical software output in correlation.

MindTap Question 2 Practice Resources:

Course Support > SPSS Demonstration Library > Independent Samples t-Test

Chapter 15 > Learn It > SPSS Problem Set: Parametric Hypothesis Testing Comparing Two or More Means: Using SPSS > 2. Conducting an independent samples t test

Chapter 15 > Learn It > SPSS Problem Set: Parametric Hypothesis Testing Comparing Two or More Means: Interpreting SPSS > 2. Interpreting statistical software output for an independent-measures t test.

MindTap Question 3 Practice Resources:

Course Support > SPSS Demonstration Library > One-Way Between-Subject ANOVA

Chapter 15 > Learn It > SPSS Problem Set: Parametric Hypothesis Testing Comparing Two or More Means: Using SPSS > 4. Conducting a single-factor, independent-measures ANOVA

Chapter 15 > Learn It > SPSS Problem Set: Parametric Hypothesis Testing Comparing Two or More Means: Interpreting SPSS > 4. Interpreting statistical software output for a single-factor, independent-measures ANOVA

MindTap Question 4 Practice Resources:

Course Support > SPSS Demonstration Library > Between-Subjects Factorial ANOVA

Chapter 15 > Learn It > SPSS Problem Set: Parametric Hypothesis Testing Comparing Two or More Means: Using SPSS > 5. Conducting a two-factor ANOVA

Chapter 15 > Learn It > SPSS Problem Set: Parametric Hypothesis Testing Comparing Two or More Means: Interpreting SPSS > 5. Interpreting statistical software output for a two-factor ANOVA.