NURS 6501S-NURS 6501N Module 8 Knowledge Check


Category: NURS 6501N


NURS-6501S-20/NURS-6501N-20-Advanced Pathophysiology- QTR-Term-wks-1-thru-11

Module 8 Knowledge Check

  1. What medication should a child with G6PD deficiency avoid because it can trigger a hemorrhage?
  2. Redness and tenderness of skin that becomes widespread, followed by painful blisters, bullae, and sloughing of skin describes which of the following conditions?
  3. The urine of a neonate is more dilute than adult urine because blood flow preferentially goes to nephons with short loops.
  4. The development of Kawasaki disease in young children is caused by:
  5. A child with MYCN oncogene is at risk for developing which type of cancer?
  6. Children who have inherited deficiencies of antithrombin III or proteins C or S have increased risk for
  7. Infants that have seizures typically have what types of symptoms due to the normal development of the nervous system?
  8. Before the bone marrow is functional in a fetus, where does the production of erythrocytes primarily take place?
  9. An infant with a congenital defect involving a hole in the septum between the two lower chambers of the heart has a .
  10. Which of the following about Roseaola is FALSE?
  11. Children with Down’s Syndrome has an increased risk of developing which type of cancer?
  12. Marasmus is a severe deficiency of what?
  13. An adolescent that uses anabolic steroids to increase muscle mass is at risk for developing which type of cancer?
  14. A coarctation of the aorta will cause what type of blood shunting?
  15. Sickle cell anemia is usually detected at birth because fetal hemoglobin is affected by the genetic mutation.
  16. A ventricular septal defect will cause what type of blood shunting?
  17. Cerebral palsy involves what type of defects?
  18. Respiratory distress syndrome in the newborn is caused by the deficiency of what substance?
  19. What are the two most common malignant bone tumors of childhood?