NRNP 6635 Final Exam Week 11 – Question and Answers


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NRNP 6635/NRNP 6635F 9-Psychpathology Diag Reasoning Week 11 Final Exam
1. Select the mental function that is most affected in mild cognitive impairment.
2. Select the most frequent cause of infant and childhood intellectual disability that is attributed to a specific gene.
3. Select the neurotransmitter that is most associated with the occurrence of ADHD.
4. Select the drug of choice to treat psychosis in delirious patients.
5. Select the characteristic that is greater in childhood than adult onset schizophrenia.
6. Select the personality disorder in which patients are continually in crisis and exhibit unpredictable behavior.
7. Select the factor that best correlates with attempted and completed suicide.
8. Select the brain region that shows the greatest anatomical abnormalities in schizophrenic patients.
9. Select the gender dysphoria in which genital surgery is usually not chosen.
10. Select the antipsychotic drug for which the labeling carries a black box warning for agranulocytosis.
11. Select the time of onset for tolerance to develop from continuous use of hallucinogens such as LSD.
12. Select the most reliable method to make a diagnosis of schizophrenia.
13. Select the dysfunction that is common to 50% to 85% of schizophrenic patients.
14. Select two of the “Four A’s” symptoms of schizophrenia described by Bleuler.
15. Select the personality disorder in which patients exhibit covert obstructionism, procrastination and pessimism.
16. Select the negative symptom of schizophrenia.
17. Select the main cause of female orgasmic disorder.
18. Select the age range for 90% of patients treated for schizophrenia.
19. Select the non-drug therapy in which mastery of anxiety through desensitization is critical to the successful treatment of sexual dysfunction.
20. Select the disorder that is often comorbid with a brief psychotic disorder.
21. Select the psychoactive substance that is most frequently consumed worldwide.
22. Select the age range at which most children with gender dysphoria begin to show increased anxiety over anticipated changes to their bodies.
23. Select the theorist who first studied social and cultural influences on suicide.
24. Select the disorder in which is characterized by a lack of breast development.
25. Select the age range of the highest rate of substance dependence or abuse.
26. Select two terms preferred to describe sexual orientation.
27. Select the two patient populations in which delirium occurs most frequently.
28. Select the drug used to treat the neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
29. Select the drug that is most likely to cause parkinsonian movement symptoms.
30. Select the two main conditions to initially identify in adult psychiatric emergencies.
31. Select the psychiatric emergency that is indicated by mothers who express inadequate distress over their children’s medical symptoms.
32. Select the drug that is least life-threatening when consumed in an overdose.
33. Select the drug that is most safe and effective in treating mild to moderate memory loss in early Alzheimer’s disease.
34. Select the substance that is most commonly abused by adolescents.
35. Select the development time of symptoms in neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
36. Select the patient population at most risk of mortality from delirium.
37. Select the most distinguishing characteristic of delirium.
38. Select the category of symptoms that is most commonly comorbid with cognitive disorders.
39. Select the primary defense mechanism that is common in delusional disorder.
40. Select the neurotransmitter system that is most associated with the addictive rewarding properties of opioids.
41. Select the type of hallucinations most common in schizophrenia.
42. Select the diagnostic criterion for catatonia resulting from a medical condition.
43. Select the two factors that are not applicable to diagnosing schizoaffective disorder.
44. Select the percentage of substance-addicted persons with a concurrent psychiatric disorder.
45. Select the hepatic enzyme that performs the initial metabolism of alcohol.
46. Select the epidemiologic characteristic of tardive dyskinesia symptoms.
47. Select the neurotransmitter that inhibits sexual orgasm.
48. Select the drug that is least likely to cause male sexual dysfunction.
49. Select the youngest age at which childhood-onset schizophrenia can be distinguished from autism spectrum.
50. Select the most effective form of questioning when taking a sex history.
51. Select the initial intervention to treat children experiencing acute school refusal.
52. Select the primary method to assess cognition.
53. Select the preferred drug used to treat alcohol withdrawal.
54. Select the procedure most applicable to confirming a diagnosis of delirium.
55. Select the brain region that is associated with substance addiction.
56. Select the two defense mechanisms used commonly by patients with personality disorders.
57. Select the lifetime prevalence of schizophrenia in the United States.
58. Select the subtype of schizophrenia in which auditory hallucinations are frequent.
59. Select the neurotransmitter deficiency that is most associated with delirium.
60. Select the rating scale used to assess medication-induced movement disorders.
61. Select the symptom not present in paranoid personality disorder.
62. Select the percentage range of schizophrenic patients that remain significantly impaired throughout their lives.
63. Select the drug most likely to inhibit female orgasm.
64. Select the two non-drug therapies most likely to be effective in treating paraphilic disorders.
65. Select the two patient populations most likely suffer neuroleptic-induced parkinsonian symptoms.
66. Select the factor that is most influential in determining gender role development.
67. Select the most common paraphilic disorder.
68. Select the therapy that is contrary to position statements of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
69. Select the psychiatric disorder in which patients refuse mental health care and deny their problems.
70. Select the most common cause of dementia in elderly persons.
71. Select the substance of abuse with the strongest evidence for genetic association.
72. Select the characteristic found in persons with intersex conditions.
73. Select the medical condition in which erectile dysfunction drugs (e.g., sildenafil) are likely to be ineffective.
74. Select the neurotransmitter that increases sexual desire.
75. Select the infectious disease that when untreated may lead to an incorrect diagnosis of depression.
76. Select the two essential features of sexual dysfunction.
77. Select the personality disorder in which patients seek social withdrawal.
78. Select the percentage of the U.S. population with a substance dependence problem as of year 2012.
79. Select the youngest age by which early-onset schizophrenia occurs.
80. Select two psychiatric disorders that are often misdiagnosed as childhood-onset or early- onset schizophrenia.
81. Select the comorbid disorder that is more frequent in children with gender dysphoria.
82. Select two treatments for adults who identify as transgender.
83. Select two comorbid factors common in schizophrenic patients.
84. Select the age at which sexual identity is self-evident.
85. Select the pair of terms that represents the greatest conflict regarding sexual behavior.
86. Select the two characteristics that describe normal sexual behavior.
87. Select the medical condition that occurs less frequently in schizophrenic patients than in the general population.
88. Select the most frequently abused illicit drug.
89. Select the two drugs used to treat alcohol dependence.
90. Select the percentage of remission that results from correct antipsychotic drug therapy of schizophrenic patients.
91. Select the percent blood alcohol level at which voluntary motor activity becomes impaired.
92. Select the drug most likely to be effective treating paraphilic disorders.
93. Select the most distinguishing feature in the course and prognosis of schizophrenia.
94. Select the personality disorder in which patients are preoccupied with perfectionism and interpersonal control.
95. Select the rare adverse effect of SSRI antidepressants.
96. Select the neurotransmitter for which the metabolite 5-HIAA in CSF is evident and predictive of suicide.
97. Select the two behaviors of schizophrenic patients that occur more frequently than in the general population.
98. Select the neurotransmitter that has least involvement in drug-induced movement disorders.
99. Select the factor that exerts the strongest influence on the initiation of substance use disorder in adolescents.
100. Select the intrinsic chemical released in orgasm that reinforces pleasurable sensation.