NR 324 Module 3 Adult Health ROK with Answers Set 2


Category: NR 324


NR 324 Module 3 Adult Health ROK 2

  1. Describe the purpose, normal range, significance of results, and nursing responsibilities for these hematological diagnostic and clotting studies: (hemoglobin, Hematocrit, WBC, Total RBC, Platelet count, activated clotting time (ACT), PT, and INR, Lipid profile (cholesterol, LDL, HDL), BUN and Creatine (How abnormal values relate to HTN and Heart failure), Troponin, BNP.
  2. Define anemia, general common clinical manifestations and priority nursing care for this disorder.
  3. Identify the etiologies, clinical manifestations, and collaborative management for the following anemias. (Iron-deficiency, Thalassemia, Pernicious, and Folic Acid Deficiency).
  4. Describe Sickle Cell Disease, common clinical manifestations, complications, priority nursing management and teaching regarding this disease.
  5. Differentiate between Polycythemia and Thrombocytopenia (common causes, clinical signs and nursing management for both.
  6. What is the treatment and nursing management for Polycythemia?
  7. Describe the types, clinical manifestations, and nursing and collaborative management on Hemophilia and von Willebrand disease.
  8. Explain acute hemarthrosis and the nursing management and teaching involved with this condition.
  9. Describe Neutropenia, clinical manifestations, and nursing management of this disorder. What is the primary teaching for this disorder?
  10. What are the nursing responsibilities for a bone marrow biopsy, and what client education should be given about this diagnostic procedure?
  11. Describe the RN responsibility in administering a blood transfusion.
  12. Explain the nursing responsibility in the event on a blood transfusion reaction.
  13. Give the purpose, nursing responsibilities, and client education for the following Cardiovascular diagnostic tests. (Chest X-Ray, 12-Lead EKG, TEE, Cardiac catheterization)?
  14. Identify the classification of Hypertension/Essential. (Normal, Prehypertension, Hypertension stage I, Hypertension stage II.
  15. Describe orthostatic blood pressure, nursing management and teaching for this disorder.
  16. Describe the collaborative care for HTN, (Lifestyle modifications (activity, nutrition), Drug therapy (Common drugs) and nursing management.
  17. What is a DASH diet, and the major teaching that surrounds this diet.
  18. Differentiate between CAD, Angina, and acute coronary syndrome (ACS), and their clinical manifestations.
  19. Describe the nursing role in the promotion of therapeutic lifestyle changes in patients at risk for CAD.
  20. Differentiate between right side and left side heart failure, their clinical manifestations.
  21. Describe myocarditis, clinical signs and nursing teaching regarding this disorder.
  22. Describe ventricular fibrillation and the acute management for this condition?
  23. What important teachings should be discussed with a client with heart failure? nr 324 module 3
  24. Describe Rheumatic Heart Disease, and the clinical manifestations associated with it?
  25. What important teachings should the nurse include for clients with rheumatic heart dx.?
  26. Describe the management, and teaching of patients with pacemakers and implantable cardioverter-defibrillators.
  27. Explain Myocardial Infarction, and the clinical manifestations of this disorder.
  28. Describe Mitral Valve prolapse, clinical manifestations, and client education associated with this disorder.
  29. Describe complete heart block, and the management for this condition.
  30. What is the acute nursing care and treatment for clients suffering from a MI?
  31. Describe the complications of an MI.
  32. What are the major patient education and discharge instructions that should be discussed with post MI clients?
  33. Describe Peripheral artery disease, the clinical assessment, diagnostic procedures, and treatment regarding this disorder.
  34. Describe venous insufficiency, clinical assessment, and client teaching for this disorder. nr 324 module 3
  35. Explain Raynaud’s disease, the clinical manifestations, and client education for this disorder?
  36. Describe varicose veins and the clinical manifestations associated with this condition?
  37. Describe venous thrombus, clinical assessment, and risk factors associated with this dx.
  38. Differentiate between venous ulcers and arterial ulcers. Describe the clinical manifestations and nursing teaching regarding this 324 module 3