NR 324 Module 1 Adult Health ROK with Answers 1


Category: NR 324


NR 324 Module 1 Adult Health ROK 1

  1. Describe the composition of the major body fluid compartments.
  2. Describe the laboratory normal values, clinical manifestations, assessment priorities (i.e. Neuro, Cardiac, cardiovascular, etc.) & nursing collaborative management of the following imbalances.
  3. Explain the difference between Chvostek’s sign and Trousseau sign when assessing a client with a calcium imbalance?
  4. Describe what causes Fluid volume deficit, (a) the assessment, (b) nursing management, (c) nursing education.
  5. Describe what causes Fluid volume excess, (a) the assessment, (b) nursing management, (c) nursing education.
  6. Explain the common clinical manifestations, and nursing management of the following acid-base imbalances
  7. Describe the composition (give examples) and reasons for use of common IV fluid solutions.
  8. Explain how to administer IV KCL (potassium), What guidelines must the nurse follow?
  9. Discuss the types and nursing management (maintenance) of commonly used central venous access devices.
  10.  Identify the normal laboratory diagnostic ranges for interpreting acid-base imbalances. ( Ph balance, HCO3, and PaCO2).
  11. Explain metabolic acidosis and metabolic alkalosis.
  12. Explain respiratory acidosis and respiratory alkalosis.
  13. Complete the table below: Bronchoscopy, CT scan, TB Screening test, Thoracentesis
  14. Describe the signs and symptoms of inadequate oxygenation?
  15. List common age-related changes of the respiratory system that are found upon assessment
  16. Explain the nursing management of a client experiencing epistaxis? nr 324 module 1
  17. Discuss the rationale for tracheostomy insertion, and the nursing management of the patient who requires a tracheostomy (include management for accidental dislodgement)
  18. Identify the common clinical manifestations for a client with larynx cancer.
  19. Discuss the nursing management of the patient who has undergone a laryngectomy.
  20. Explain some communication methods used for clients who have had temporary or permanent loss of speech.
  21. Explain the difference between these common types of pneumonia, risk factors and clinical manifestations. (Aspiration, Inhalation, and Hematogenous spread)
  22. Explain the difference between Community-Acquired Pneumonia & Medical Care–Associated Pneumonia
  23. Explain the common assessment findings for pneumonia patients, common breathing techniques used, nursing diagnosis, nursing care, including discharge instructions and client teaching
  24. Define tuberculosis, and what are the risk factors? nr 324 module 1
  25. What is the priority nursing management for clients with tuberculosis, (include isolation and patient and family teaching regarding prevention methods).
  26. Describe the risk factors, clinical manifestations, and priority nursing management of lung cancer.
  27. What is the common diagnostic tool for lung cancer, and what is the priority teaching for clients with lung cancer?
  28. Describe the purpose and nursing responsibilities related to chest tubes. nr 324 module 1
  29. Define Cor-Pulmonale.
  30. Explain thoracentesis and pleuralcentesis, what are the primary complications of these procedures
  31. Describe the common clinical manifestations, and triggers for clients with asthma?
  32. Explain the nursing management of the patient with asthma.
  33. Explain the priority nursing management for a client having an acute asthma attack. What role does an rescue inhaler have in acute management of asthma patients
  34. Explain the common clinical signs & symptoms, diagnostic procedures, and treatment for Pulmonary Embolism
  35. Describe the common clinical manifestations, and diagnostic tests for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  36. What are the common risk factors for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?
  37. Identify the indications for O2 therapy, methods of delivery, and complications of O2 administration. What precautions should be taken with 02 in clients with COPD?
  38. Explain the nursing management of the patient with COPD.
  39. Describe, the clinical manifestations, and nursing management of the patient with cystic fibrosis.
  40. What is the most common diagnostic test for clients suspected to have cystic fibrosis?nr 324 module 1