MN 580 Midterm Exam – Question an Answers (Two Sets)


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MN 580 Midterm Exam with Answers Set 1

  1. An 18-year-old man presents with periumbilical pain, vomiting, and abdominal cramping over the past 48 hours. Physical examination reveals rebound tenderness and laboratory analysis shows the presence of bandemia and a total WBC of 28,000 mm3. To support the diagnosis of acute appendicitis with suspected appendiceal rupture, you consider obtaining the following abdominal imaging study:
  2. Gina is 2 years old and presents with a 3-day history of fever, crankiness, and congested cough. Her respiratory rate is more than 50% of the upper limits of normal for age. Tubular breath sounds are noted at the right lung base. Skin turgor is normal, and she is wearing a wet diaper. She is alert, resisting the examination as age appropriate, and engages in eye contact. Temperature is 38.3° C (101° F). Gina’s diagnostic evaluation should include:
  3. Aortic stenosis in a 15-year-old male is most likely:
  4. Which of the following laboratory tests can identify the causative organism of bronchiolitis?
  5. A Still murmur:
  6. A physiological murmur has which of the following characteristics?
  7. You anticipate that adult car seat belts fit correctly when a child is approximately _____ tall and is____ old.
  8. Physical examination findings in otitis externa include:
  9. In infants, solid foods are best introduced no earlier than:
  10. When advising a patient about injectable influenza immunization, the nurse practitioner (NP) considers the following about the use of this vaccine:
  11. A healthy 2-year-old child is able to:
  12. The preferred treatment option for a 6-year-old boy with pertussis is:
  13. At which of the following ages in a young child’s life is parental anticipatory guidance about using “time out” as a discipline method most helpful?
  14. Common causative organisms of acute suppurative conjunctivitis include all of the following except:
  15. At which of the following ages in a young child’s life is parental anticipatory guidance about protection from falls most helpful?
  16. Which of the following statements is true about inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV)?
  17. Problems after tetanus immunization typically include:
  18. Which of the following is true about the MMR vaccine?
  19. Treatment of viral conjunctivitis can include:
  20. A healthy 6–7-month-old infant is able to:
  21. At which of the following ages in a young child’s life is parental anticipatory guidance about temper tantrums most helpful?
  22. Which of the following findings is most consistent with the diagnosis of acute bacterial rhinosinusitis (ABRS)?
  23. Which of the following is the most prudent first-line treatment choice for an otherwise well toddler with acute otitis media (AOM) who requires antimicrobial therapy?
  24. Which of the following is one of the more common sources of hepatitis A infection in the United States?
  25. Juice intake is acceptable in children 6 months and older per which of the following recommendations? Select all that apply.
  26. You are examining an 18-year-old man who is seeking a sports clearance physical examination. You note a mid-systolic murmur that gets louder when he stands. This may represent:
  27. A healthy infant at age 9–11 months is expected to:
  28. You examine a 10-year-old boy with suspected streptococcal pharyngitis. His mother asks if he can get a “shot of penicillin.” Which of the following statements is/are true regarding the use of intramuscular (IM) penicillin? Select all that apply.
  29. At which of the following ages in an infant’s life is parental anticipatory guidance about teething most helpful?
  30. First-line treatment for uncomplicated hordeolum is:
  31. Which of the following imaging studies potentially exposes the patient being evaluated for abdominal pain to the lowest ionizing radiation burden?
  32. You are examining an 18-month-old boy who is not speaking any discernible words. Mom tells you he has not said “mama or dada” yet or babbled or smiled responsively. You:
  33. The gastric parietal cells produce:
  34. The most common causative organism of bronchiolitis is:
  35. Which of the following would not be found in newborns?

MN 580 Midterm Exam Set 2

  1. In most children with bronchiolitis, the intervention includes:
  2. Which of the following statements is true about inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV)?
  3. Which of the following do you expect to find in an examination of a 2-week-old infant?
  4. At which of the following ages in a young child’s life is parental anticipatory guidance about infant sleep position most helpful?
  5. Treatment options for streptococcal pharyngitis for a patient with penicillin allergy include all of the following except:
  6. A 4-year-old child presents with fever; exudative pharyngitis; anterior cervical lymphadenopathy; and a fine, raised, pink rash. The most likely diagnosis is:
  7. Common causative organisms of acute suppurative conjunctivitis include all of the following except:
  8. At which age is a child at the greatest risk of death from pertussis?
  9. A healthy 2-year-old child is able to:
  10. All of the following are components of the classic ophthalmological emergency except:
  11. You anticipate that adult car seat belts fit correctly when a child is approximately _____ tall and is____ old.
  12. Physical examination findings in otitis externa include:
  13. At which of the following ages in an infant’s life is parental anticipatory guidance about teething most helpful?
  14. An 18-year-old woman has a chief complaint of a “sore throat and swollen glands” for the past 3 days. Her physical examination includes a temperature of 101° F (38. 3° C), exudative pharyngitis, and tender anterior cervical lymphadenopathy. Right and left upper quadrant abdominal tenderness is absent. The most likely diagnosis is:
  15. Which of the following imaging studies potentially exposes the patient being evaluated for abdominal pain to the lowest ionizing radiation burden?
  16. Which of the following laboratory tests can identify the causative organism of bronchiolitis?
  17. Rectal bleeding associated with anal fissure is usually described by the patient as:
  18. Which of the following is one of the more common sources of hepatitis A infection in the United States?
  19. At which of the following ages in a young child’s life is parental anticipatory guidance about using “time out” as a discipline method most helpful?
  20. Screening cholesterol levels in children with one or more risk factors begins at what age?
  21. The gastric parietal cells produce:
  22. It is considered a developmental “red flag” if a child does not respond to his or her name by 9 months of age.
  23. You are examining an 18-year-old man who is seeking a sports clearance physical examination. You note a mid-systolic murmur that gets louder when he stands. This may represent:
  24. First-line intervention for anterior epistaxis includes:
  25. Aortic stenosis in a 15-year-old male is most likely:
  26. In caring for a patient with symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux, you prescribe a PPI to:
  27. Usual treatment option for a child with hepatitis A includes:
  28. A healthy 6–7-month-old infant is able to:
  29. A Still murmur:
  30. Infection with Corynebacterium diphtheriae usually causes:
  31. Risk factors for dyslipidemia in children include which of the following? Select all that apply.
  32. A young child should use a rear-facing car seat until at least age:
  33. An 18-year-old man presents with periumbilical pain, vomiting, and abdominal cramping over the past 48 hours. Physical examination reveals rebound tenderness and laboratory analysis shows the presence of bandemia and a total WBC of 28,000 mm3. To support the diagnosis of acute appendicitis with suspected appendiceal rupture, you consider obtaining the following abdominal imaging study:
  34. Which of the following benchmarks indicate normal development by a healthy child born at term who is now 12 months of age? Select all that apply.
  35. Which of the following findings is most consistent with the diagnosis of acute bacterial rhinosinusitis (ABRS)?