MN 551 Final Exam 1 – Question and Answers


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MN 551 Final Exam Week 10 – Question and Answers

  1. During an examination, the nurse observes a female patient’s vestibule and expects to see the:
  2. During a speculum inspection of the vagina, the nurse would expect to see what at the end of the vaginal canal?
  3. The uterus is usually positioned tilting forward and superior to the bladder. This position is known as:
  4. An 11-year-old girl is in the clinic for a sports physical. The nurse notices that she has begun to develop breasts. And during the conversation the girl reveals that she is worrie about her development. The-nurse should use which of these techniques to best assist the young girl in understanding the expected sequence for development? The nurse should:
  5. A woman who is 8 weeks pregnant is in the clinic for a checkup. The nurse reads on her chart that her cervix is softened and looks cyanotic. The nurse knows that the woman is exhibiting _____ sign and _____ sign.
  6. A woman who is 22 weeks pregnant has a vaginal infection. She tells the nurse that she is afraid that this infection will hurt the fetus. The nurse knows that which of these statements is true?
  7. The changes normally associated with menopause occur generally because the cells in the reproductive tract are:
  8. The nurse is reviewing the changes that occur with menopause. Which of these are changes associated with menopause?
  9. A 54-year-old woman who has just completed menopause is in the clinic today for a yearly physical examination. Which of these statements should the nurse include in patient education? “A postmenopausal woman:
  10. A woman is in the clinic for an annual gynecologic examination. The nurse should plan to begin the interview with the:
  11. A patient has had three pregnancies and two live births. The nurse would record this information as gravida _____, para _____, AB _____.
  12. During the interview with a female patient, the nurse gathers data that indicate that the patient is perimenopausal. Which of these statements made by this patient leads to this conclusion?
  13. A 50-year-old woman calls the clinic because she has noticed some changes in her body and breasts and wonders if they could be due to the hormone replacement therapy (HRT) she started 3 months ago. The nurse should tell her:
  14. A 52-year-old patient states that when she sneezes or coughs she “wets herself a little.” She is very concerned that something may be wrong with her. The nurse suspects that the problem is:
  15. During the interview a patient reveals that she has some vaginal discharge. She is worried that it may be a sexually transmitted infection. The nurse’s most appropriate response to this would be:
  16. A woman states that 2 weeks ago she had a urinary tract infection that was treated with an antibiotic. As a part of the interview, the nurse should ask, “Have you noticed:
  17. Which statement would be most appropriate when the nurse is introducing the topic of sexual relationships during an interview?
  18. A 22-year-old woman has been considering using oral contraceptives. As a part of her history, the nurse should ask:
  19. A married couple has come to the clinic seeking advice on pregnancy. They have been trying to conceive for 4 months and have not been successful. What should the nurse do first?
  20. A nurse is assessing a patient’s risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI). An appropriate question to ask would be:
  21. When the nurse is interviewing a preadolescent girl, which opening statement would be least threatening?
  22. When the nurse is discussing sexuality and sexual issues with adolescents, a permission statement helps to convey that it is normal to think or feel a certain way. Which of these is the best example of a permission statement?
  23. The nurse is preparing to interview a postmenopausal woman. Which of these statements is true with regard to the history of a postmenopausal woman?
  24. During the examination portion of a patient’s visit, she will be in lithotomy position. Which statement below reflects some things that the nurse can do to make this more comfortable for her?
  25. An 18-year-old patient is having her first pelvic examination. Which action by the nurse is appropriate?
  26. The nurse has just completed an inspection of a nulliparous woman’s external genitalia. Which of these would be a description of a finding within normal limits?
  27. The nurse is preparing for an internal genitalia examination of a woman. Which order of the examination is correct?
  28. During an internal examination of a woman’s genitalia, the nurse will use which technique for proper insertion of the speculum?
  29. The nurse is examining a 35-year-old female patient. During the history, the nurse notice that she has had two term pregnancies, and both babies were deliver vaginally. During the internal examination the nurse observes that the cervical os is a horizontal slit with some healed lacerations and that the cervix has some nabothian cysts that are small, smooth, and yellow. In addition, the nurse notices that the cervical surface is granular and red, especially around the os.
  30. Finally, the nurse notices the presence of stringy, opaque, odorless secretions.Which of these findings are abnormal?
  31. A patient calls the clinic for instructions before having a Papanicolaou (Pap) smear. The most appropriate instructions from the nurse are:
  32. During an examination, which tests will the nurse collect to screen for cervical cancer?
  33. When performing the bimanual examination, the nurse notices that the cervix feels smooth and firm, is round, and is fix in place (does not move). When cervical palpation is performed, the patient complains of some pain. The nurse’s interpretation of these results should be which of these?
  34. The nurse is palpating a female patient’s adnexa. The findings include a firm, smooth uterine wall; the ovaries are palpable and feel smooth and firm. The fallopian tube is firm and pulsating. The nurse’s most appropriate course of action would be to:
  35. A 65-year-old woman is in the office for routine gynecologic care. She had a complete hysterectomy 3 months ago after cervical cancer was detect. The nurse knows that which of these statements is true with regard to this visit?
  36. The nurse is preparing to examine the external genitalia of a school-age girl. Which of these positions would be most appropriate in this situation?
  37. When assessing a newborn infant’s genitalia, the nurse notices that the genitalia are somewhat engorged.
  38. The labia majora are swollen, the clitoris looks large, and the hymen is thick. The vaginal opening is difficult to visualize. The infant’s mother states that she is worrie about the labia being swollen. The nurse should reply:
  39. During a vaginal examination of a 38-year-old woman. The nurse notices that the vulva and vagina are erythematous and edematous with thick, white, curdlike discharge adhering to the vaginal walls. The woman reports intense pruritus and thick white discharge from her vagina. The nurse knows that these history and physical examination findings are most consistent with which of these conditions? mn 551 final exam
  40. A 22-year-old woman is being seen at the clinic for problems with vulvar pain, dysuria, and fever. On physical examination, the nurse notices clusters of small, shallow vesicles with surrounding erythema on the labia. There is also inguinal lymphadenopathy present. The most likely cause of these lesions is:
  41. When performing an external genitalia examination of a 10-year-old girl, the nurse notices that there is no pubic hair, and the mons and the labia are cover with fine vellus hair. These findings are consistent with stage _____ of sexual maturity, according to the Sexual Maturity Rating scale.
  42. A 46-year-old woman is in the clinic for her annual gynecologic examination. She voices a concern about ovarian cancer because her mother and sister died of it. The nurse knows that which of these statements is correct regarding ovarian cancer?
  43. During a bimanual examination, the nurse detects a solid tumor on the ovary that is heavy and fix, with a poorly defined mass. mn 551 final exam
  44. This finding is suggestive of:
  45. A 25-year-old woman comes to the emergency department with a suddenfever of 101° F and abdominal pain. Upon examination, the nurse notices that she has rigid, boardlike lower abdominal musculature. When the nurse tries to perform a vaginal examination, the patient has severe pain when the uterus and cervix are move. The nurse knows that these signs and symptoms are suggestive of:
  46. During an external genitalia examination of a woman, the nurse notices several lesions around the vulva. The lesions are pink, moist, soft, and pointed papules. The patient states that she is not aware of any problems in that area. The nurse recognizes that these lesions may be:
  47. During an examination, the nurse would expect the cervical os of a woman who has never had children to appear:
  48. A woman has just been diagnose with HPV, or genital warts. The nurse should counsel her to receive regular examinations because this virus makes her at a higher risk for _____ cancer.
  49. During an internal examination, the nurse notice that the cervix bulges outside the introitus when the patient is ask to strain. The nurse will document this as: mn 551 final exam
  50. A 35-year-old woman is at the clinic for a gynecologic examination. During the examination, she asks the nurse, “How often do I need to have this Pap test done?” Which reply by the nurse is correct?
  51. The nurse is palpating an ovarian mass during an internal examination of a 63-year-old woman. Which findings of the mass’s characteristics would suggest the presence of an ovarian cyst? Select all that apply.
    MN 551 Final Week 10