MGT 521 Week 3 Assignment, Structure Follows Strategy (02 Papers)


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MGT 521 Week 3 Assignment, Structure Follows Strategy (TRADELOGIC)

A quick interview with the owner of TradeLogic International provides enough detail for a SWOT analysis on this organization. This firm operates as part of the International Trade Industry and always strives to keep the competitive advantage among the thousands of other companies out there that offer similar services. The SWOT analysis discovered that TradeLogic’s main strength is its employees. This firm’s employees are put ….rigorous training……………….Continued (04 Pages with References)

MGT 521 Week 3 Assignment, Structure Follows Strategy (TAPS)

This is a summary for the TAPS SWOT Analysis prepared by information received during a conversation with the General Manager, Josh Walker. It captures the strengths and weaknesses within the TAPS organization and the opportunities and threats that exist. Josh Walker has been with the company for five years. He was the Safety Manager prior to the reorganization two years ago and is currently the General Manager………………Continued (04 Pages with References)

(TWO PAPERS)mgt 521 week 3