HSCO 509 Quiz 3 – Question and Answers


Category: HSCO 509


HSCO 509 Quiz 3 – Question and Answers

  1. About _ of the world’s Muslims are Arabs. (ch. 10)
  2. Baby Boomers were born from 1946 to 1964. (ch. 8)
  3. One classic model of disability, adapted by the World Health Organization and others in 1980 includes Pathology, Impairments, Functional Limitations, and __ (ch. 8)
  4. Colorism is the belief that _ (ch. 9)
  5. The Fair Housing Act (1968) guarantees home ownership regardless of race, income, or gender. (ch. 7)
  6. Classism is having discriminatory beliefs about, and behavior toward, individuals and groups based on their perceived or actual _. (ch. 7)
  7. Following are the traditional values that may be moderated over time by exposure to the U.S. culture, but may also be maintained by strong family systems and ethnic enclaves, or communities: _; religion and faith; education, work, and economic status; and communication styles. (ch. 10)
  8. Cognitive __ describes the state of psychological disequilibrium experienced when we are facing, but have not yet resolved, information that contradicts our worldview. (ch. 7)
  9. Poverty attribution is one way to avoid confronting classism because we focus on assessing blame for poverty either on the individual or on society. (ch. 7)
  10. Ageism is defined as the assumption that chronological age is the main determinant of human characteristics and that one age is better than another. (ch. 8)
  11. A biomedical model of disability can be defined as a model in which disability or illness occurs as the result of a psychological condition. (ch. 8)
  12. The majority of Arab-Americans in the United States belong to the _ faith (ch. 10)
  13. Also discussed in Chapter 4, a common form of subtle racism known as racial microaggressions are covert statements or behaviors, whether intentional or unintentional, that convey insulting or demeaning messages to people of color. (ch. 9)
  14. The Older Americans Act Amendments (2006) included all of the following except _ (ch. 8).
  15. The authors use the “one drop rule” to describe the belief that having one drop of Irish blood makes one Irish.
  16. A gerontological counselor is a counselor who provides counseling services to elderly clients and their families when faced with changing lifestyles as they grow older. (ch. 8)
  17. Psychological distancing refers to ways of thinking and behaving that are used by privileged groups to justify and distance themselves from social undesirables. (ch. 7)
  18. According to the 2010 U.S. Census data, African Americans comprise approximately _ of the U.S. population (ch. 9)
  19. The social model of disability focuses is on societal barriers and biases against people with disabilities, not on the person, the disability, or the medical condition itself. (ch. 8)
  20. Socioeconomic status (SES) generally refers to a comparative measure of class standing, or status, based on a combination of educational attainment, income level, and living conditions. (ch. 7)
  21. Ableism refers to social attitudes, rehabilitation and counseling practices, and policies that favor individuals who have or are perceived as possessing physical or cognitive disabilities. (ch. 8)
  22. Adultism refers to discrimination against adults. (ch. 8) (HSCO 509 Quiz 3)
  23. The U.S. Census Bureau (2012) revealed that people with a severe disability have all of the following except __. (ch. 8)
  24. The authors of the text propose that achieving a “classless society” is an obtainable goal and should be the definition of the American Dream. (ch. 7)
  25. The following suggestions were offered as tools to mitigate classism in counselors except _ (ch. 7).
  26. Check out our latest courses on NURS 6551.