HSCO 502 Test 2 with Answers LUO (100/100 Points)


Category: Liberty


HSCO 502-B08 Test 2 LUO Spring 2021

100 out of 100 points

  1. A person who perceives neutral events as containing aggressive or threatening meaning is said to possess a
  2. Video response. Review the video on, page 173 of your book; from the 3 statements select which one(s) are correct.
  3. Which of the following is a temperamental characteristic that is associated with prosocial behavior?
  4. Pubertal processes begin when certain changes occur in the endocrine system. Which of the following explains the beginning of this process?
  5. When Sammy had to learn the names of all the planets, as well as their relative sizes, he made up sentences to help him create meaningful links between the concepts. For example, “Eartha ate the Mars candy bar” helped him remember that Earth is larger than Mars. Sammy was using a memory strategy called
  6. Which of the following does not
  7. Which of the following best represents Mead’s contribution to our understanding of self- development?
  8. Video response. Review the video on, page 376 of your book; from the 3 statements select which one(s) are correct.
  9. What does Savin-Williams (2005) argue about the nature of sexual orientation?
  10. When Marla, age 14, decides that she is a good writer because she gets better grades than her friend Jenna on stories she writes for English, she is demonstrating the use of as part of identity formation.
  11. By middle childhood, boys’ choices of companions tend to be based on shared interests, whereas girls’ choices of companions tend to be based more on
  12. Males are less likely to survive than females, both before and after birth. One important reason is that
  13. The unique state of instability and anxiety in adolescence, brought on by body changes, emerging sexual needs, hormonal shifts, cognitive changes, and changing maturity demands, is referred to as
  14. Experimentation with deviant or risky behaviors (drug use, vandalism, sex, truancy, etc.) in adolescence is
  15. Which of the following emotions develops only after a child has a mental representation of him or herself as a separate person?
  16. Research indicates that sex role development usually proceeds normally in single parent families as well as in the more traditional dual parent families. These findings are not consistent with predictions from what type of theory about how sex differences develop?
  17. Which of the following describes a type of influence that parents can have on whether or not their adolescent becomes a member of a particular crowd?
  18. Which of the following is more typical of boys’ sex-segregated groups than of girls’ sex segregated groups?
  19. Annette is a warm and affectionate mother to her sons, Jason and Keith. When she comes home from her job, she likes to spend time playing with them, preparing their favorite foods, and watching TV with them. She describes herself as a “soft touch” when it comes to her children. Lately she has been hearing complaints about 6-year-old Jason’s behavior in school. Annette thinks the teacher is being too hard on her son. She does not want anything to affect the good relationship she has with her children. Which style best describes Annette’s parenting?
  20. Billy’s babysitter takes him to the park every day where he can play with other
  21. Piaget’s description of the differences between preoperational thought (characteristic of preschool aged children) and concrete operational thought (characteristic of elementary school aged children), includes which of the following?
  22. One factor that promotes self-esteem among minority group members is
  23. The maturing of the corpus callosum by middle childhood is especially important for
  24. Memory is to some degree reconstructed. This accounts for the phenomenon of
  25. Biological females with two X chromosomes are sometimes born with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), which causes their external genitalia to appear more like those of a male. They may be misidentified at birth and raised as males. If the correct identification is not made before age 3, physicians often advise parents to continue raising the child as a boy, because the child’s gender identity may be difficult to change after age 3. The experiences of CAH girls and other gender atypical children have helped demonstrate that
  26. One gender-related characteristic of peer evaluations is that
  27. High levels of parental monitoring and control are associated with which of the following outcomes regardless of ethnicity or social class?
  28. Which of the following statements is FALSE with respect to the moral self:
  29. Which statement about children’s antisocial behavior is INCORRECT:
  30. Beliefs about sex differences sometimes are supported by research and sometimes are not. Which of the following gender stereotypes is not supported by research?
  31. Which of the following statements is FALSE with regard to the onset of menarche?
  32. Sabrina and Bethany are both members of the same crowd in high school, which means that
  33. The ability to restrain or redirect a strong impulse in order to perform a less-preferred response is called
  34. What is the “two-pronged approach” to helping adolescents with their behavioral, social, or academic problems?
  35. For an adolescent engaging in risky behavior (e.g., alcohol use), one strategy that counselors can use is to introduce dissonance into the discussion. Before a counselor can do so effectively, she must
  36. What kind of peer intervention is least likely to be helpful to troubled teens?
  37. When data are analyzed together from a large number of different studies on the same question, like “are there sex differences in nurturing tendencies,” the report is called a
  38. A coping style which has been linked to higher levels of depression among adolescent girls and women is
  39. Video response. Review the video on, page 386 of your book; from the 3 statements select which one(s) are correct.
  40. Brain developments in the adolescent period include which of the following?
  41. Recent research on the self-system supports the idea that the self is in nature.
  42. Which of the following most accurately reflects Erikson’s view of identity?
  43. Video response. Review the video on, page 215 of your book; from the 3 statements select which one(s) are correct.
  44. Video response. Review the video on, page 307 of your book; from the 3 statements select which one(s) are correct.
  45. Which of the following is a critical element that underlies the development of self-control?
  46. Some research shows that cultural values and goals shape the kinds of discipline that parents use with their children. One example is that Puerto Rican mothers wanted their children to recognize their obligations and connectedness to others; their goals for their children were more than the goals of European American mothers
  47. Friendship, according to Selman, requires balancing
  48. According to research, in middle childhood, academic competence, athletic competence physica appearence , peer acceptance and behavioral conduct are important to the development of self-esteem. Which one of these domains have been proven to be more important that the others?
  49. When considering identity status, which statement is TRUE?
  50. In adolescence and early adulthood, males and females begin to spend more time in mixed-gender groups. Studies of who has more influence on the outcome of problem solving in mixed-gender groups indicate that