ENT 435 Week 2 Assignment 1, Importance of Innovation Architecture 3


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ENT 435 Week 2 Assignment 1, Importance of Innovation Architecture Paper 3

(Selected Organization: Google, Tesla, Walt Disney)

Innovation is a tool that should be used throughout every organization. With the fast-paced environment of today’s market, innovation can make or break a company. When an organization doesn’t encourage, support, or embrace innovation they will quickly fall behind the competition. While companies that are creating new products or evolving products that are already on the market will advance and surpass those companies that are not. There are thousands of innovative architects around the world that are …..on the complex processes and systems for producing innovative companies. The three companies that will be …..have superior examples of how to support a culture of innovation within a company………..Continued (07 Pages with References)


ent 435 week 2 assignmentent 435 week 2 assignment