CNL 500 Discussion Questions with Responses Topic 1 to 8


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CNL 500 Discussion Questions Topics 1 to 8

CNL 500 Topic 1 Discussion Question 1 (Obj. 1.3)

Most of the psychological theories reviewed in our text were developed by White European or American males. Given the origins of these theories, how can the information provided be useful to you as a developing mental health professional?

CNL 500 Topic 1 Discussion Question 2 (Obj. 1.1, 1.3, & 1.4)

Traditional psychoanalysis is based on the interpretation of unconscious conflicts. This approach relied on another completely fallible human being with his or her own unconscious conflict and problems to make accurate interpretations. Comment on how this approach can have legitimacy. Does a contemporary psychoanalytic two-person psychology model offer any improvement in this regard?

CNL 500 Topic 2 Discussion Question 1 (Obj. 2.1 and 2.3)

One of the cornerstones of Adlerian therapy is that insight produces motivation for change. Do you think that’s true? Is there any empirical evidence to support the contention that insight produces motivation? Include a peer reviewed article to support your response.

CNL 500 Topic 2 Discussion Question 2 (Obj. 2.1, 2.2, & 2.3)

What is the primary goal in Jungian analysis? What are the four stages of the individuation journey that characterizes Jungian analysis? What type of client would benefit from this approach to counseling?

CNL 500 Topic 3 Discussion Question 1 (Obj. 3.1)

Do you think it is possible to combine client-centered and existential approaches in therapy? Why or why not? Explain what a combined approach might look like.

CNL 500 Topic 3 Discussion Question 2 (Obj. 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3)

Could you be genuine, accepting, and empathic with all clients? What type of client or presenting issue would create a challenge for you in terms of being genuine, accepting, and empathic? How would you work with clients with whom you did not feel these three conditions?

CNL 500 Topic 4 Discussion Question 1 (Obj. 4.1, 4.2, & 4.3)

Joseph is a client of yours doing outpatient therapy, one on one at least once a week for social phobia. He presents with intense anxiety, fear of being judged by others, intense negative self-judgments, and has dropped out of college because of these fears.

Using behavioral therapy techniques describe your approach to helping Joseph overcome his social phobia.

  1. What is the behavior you would like to change?
  2. Using concepts of behavioral reinforcement, how can this be achieved?
  3. How long do you think this would take to make this change?

CNL 500 Topic 4 Discussion Question 2 (Obj. 4.2)

What are the issues of individual and cultural diversity a counselor must consider when using REBT and behavioral theories?

CNL 500 Topic 5 Discussion Question 1: (Obj. 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3)

What are the benefits of using cognitive behavioral therapy versus using behavioral therapy?

CNL 500 Topic 5 Discussion Question 2: (Obj. 5.1)

The textbook indicates that choice intervention strategies are a central element of reality theory. How might these strategies be used in conjunction with other counseling theories?

CNL 500 Topic 6 Discussion Question 1: (Obj. 6.1 and 6.4)

How can Bowenian, structural or strategic family systems theory provide challenges to new counselors? What are some strategies to help them be applied in individual therapy?

CNL 500 Topic 6 Discussion Question 2: (Obj. 6.3)

CNL 500 (Theories and Models of Counseling) Topic 6 Discussion Question 2: (Obj. 6.3)

CNL 500 Topic 7 Discussion Question 1: (Obj. 7.2)

Would you consider choosing feminist, solution-focused, or narrative therapies when counseling individual clients, marriage clients, and family clients? What empirical evidence is available to support the use of these theories?

CNL 500 Topic 7 Discussion Question 2: (Obj. 7.1 and 7.3)

Short-term theories have become popular in the past number of years due to the pressure from insurance companies and the legal needs to address the clients’ presenting problems. With this in mind, why might it be important to consider using solution-focused theory? What can a counselor do to make sure they support their client effectively in a short-term situation? How do your skills need to change when your time with a client is limited?

CNL 500 Topic 8 Discussion Question 1: (Obj. 8.2)

Now that you have studied all the different theories of psychotherapy, what theory do you feel has the strongest approach for the population you may want to work with? Do you think that you will need to learn more than one approach? Why?

CNL 500 Topic 8 Discussion Question 2: (Obj. 8.1)

How can you, as a counselor, avoid becoming “stuck” in a particular theoretical framework? Identify specific ways that you can ensure you continue to grow. What are some trends you are interested in learning about now that you understand counseling theory?