CGD 218 Week 1 Assignment, Discussion, Journal


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CGD 218 Week 1

CGD 218 Week 1 Assignment, Why is Visual Literacy Important (Two Version)

Our textbook definition of visual literacy states that visual literacy is important and requires two things. The two main requirements of visual literacy are sight and perception. If a person is visually literate they are able to “discriminate and interpret the visible actions, objects, and symbols that they encounter (Ryan, 2012).” With this information a person is able to communicate with others as well as comprehend and enjoy the visual communications. A person needs to be able to think critically to help them understand and interpret what they are seeing visually. Visually literacy helps people to communicate together and show others what they have seen and felt and gather a better understanding and appreciation………Continued (05 Pages with References)

CGD218 Week 1 Discussion 1, Using Visuals to Communicate

For this discussion, identify at least one specific message that you might communicate in the workplace – one that could benefit from the use of visuals. (Note: This can be in either a past, current, or potential future workplace.) For instance, maybe the message involves typing up job-aids and sending them out to your colleagues. Or perhaps it involves delivering a presentation to your boss on your department’s achievements for the previous quarter. Or, maybe it’s related to designing an advertisement for your own business.
Whatever you choose to communicate, address the following items in your post:

  • Describe your message in as much detail as possible, being sure to explain what your desired results for the message are.
  • Describe the intended audience for your message.
  • Explain how you think the use of visuals could help you effectively deliver this message to your audience.
CGD218 Week 1 Journal, The Evolution of Media

Over the past several decades, communication media have evolved significantly. In addition to communicating messages through books, newspapers, and magazines, we now have the ability to communicate through blogs, websites, and social media like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Now, more than ever, the average person is capable of creating and distributing professional-looking visual communication. This supports what your textbook identifies as perhaps the most significant change; these “new technologies are forcing journalists, advertisers, PR professionals. And entertainment executives to relinquish their role as ‘gatekeepers’ of information (P.21-22).

Taking a look at one of the professions listed in this quote, or even your own profession, reflect on how the role of “gatekeeper” is being redefined, given these new technologies. What are the benefits and challenges associated with this change, both from a business perspective and a social perspective? Are there any ethical concerns associated with this shift?