BIOS 252 Final Exam Unit 8 Study Guide 2


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BIO 252 Final Exam Unit 8 – Review Guide

Chapter 10

  1. Muscle properties and definitions
  2. Isometric contraction vs. isotonic contractions

Chapter 11

  1. Steps in skeletal muscle contraction
  2. Definitions:
  3. Origin
  4. Insertion
  5. Antagonist
  6. Agonist
  7. Identification of parts of lever system

Chapter 12

  1. EPSP vs. IPSP (neurotransmitter)
  2. 11:35 Graded potentials vs. action potentials (location) pg. 424
  3. 14:25 Neuroglial cells and functions (6 kinds, 4 CNS, 2 PNS)

Chapter 13

  1. Internal anatomy of spinal cord (which types of neurons go through them)
  2. Cervical enlargement (Part of body the nerves supply)
  3. Lumbar enlargement (Part of body the nerves supply)
  4. Autonomic nervous system (which effector to they control)
  5. Ascending tracts-

Chapter 14

  1. Meninges layer
  2. Cranial nerves (number and function) OOOTTAFVGVAH
  3. Wernicke’s area (function)- speech comprehension,
  4. Broca’s area(function)- speech production
  5. Location of:
  6. Functions of:
  7. CNS vs. PNS (components)
  8. Location of all 4 ventricles

Chapter 15 or 16

  1. Sensory modalities (how many for a single neuron)
  2. Sensory Receptors

Chapter 17

  1. Cochlea (function)- vibration comes in from external ear and it is translated to hearing
  2. Semicircular canal (function)
  3. Presbyopia
  4. Cones/Rods-
  5. Olfactory receptor (what type of receptor)
  6. Iris (description)
  7. Primary taste sensations
  8. 54:10 Special senses
  9. Optic Chiasm (function)
  10. Blind spot

Chapter 18

  1. Endocrine glands
  2. 57:9 Pituitary gland (Identification: hormones secreted from each lobe and how each side is regulated)
  3. Adrenal Gland on top of kidney bios 252 final exam
  4. OUTTER Cortex (general category hormones)
  5. and INNER Medulla hormones
  6. Paracrine
  7. autocrine once cell secrets and effects itself, and endocrine
  8. differences
  9. Infundibulum (function)
  10. Pancreas (function and hormones) Mechanism of actions of lipid and water soluble hormones
  11. Types of water and lipid soluble hormones-
  12. Location of receptor sites for each category
  13. Parathyroid gland bios 252 final exam
  14. 1:21:05 Type I vs. Type II diabetes mellitus
    1. Type-1 insulin dependent- pancreas does not produce insulin
    2. Type 2 adult onset. Can regulate via meds or healthy diet.
  • Polyuria- excessive urine
  • Polyphagia- excessive thirst
  • Polydipsia- excessive hunger


  1. Muscles
  2. Vision
  3. Hearing
  4. Brain
  5. Adrenal gland
  6. Cells of thyroid gland