BIOL 133 Week 7 Chapter 11 – Question and Answers


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BIOL 133 Week 7 Chapter 11 Study Questions with Answers

  1. Meiosis and sexual reproduction increase diversity because
  2. A newly-discovered butterfly species has a chromosome number of n=7. Match the total number of chromosomes in each type of cell.
  3. Which describes the relationship between gametes and spores?
  4. Which event is similar between prophase I and prophase? Select all that apply.
  5. What is an advantage of asexual reproduction? Select all that apply.
  6. A nuclear envelope does not usually form around each set of chromosomes in the haploid daughter cells in _________.
  7. A few organisms have evolved to use mostly asexual reproduction. What must be true about these?
  8. How does metaphase in meiosis I and meiosis II differ?
  9. A large family has a history of multiple aneuploid diseases such as Down Syndrome, trisomy-18 and Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY). The propensity to defects seems to be inherited, but the gene responsible is unknown. What types of candidate genes would be most likely to lead to aneuploidy if they were mutated?
  10. Most organisms on earth spend large amounts of energy reproducing sexually, instead of using a more efficient method of asexual reproduction. Finding and competing for mates, meiosis and gamete production, and the complexities of fertilization could all be avoided if asexual reproduction was sufficient. Why isn’t it?